Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Using Technical Analysis Correctly

The simplest and most time effective way to learn currency trading exchange and predict market movement is to use technical analysis
This will allow you to take into account the forex fundamentals and investor psychology and see and act on the price as it is – no predicting, hoping or guessing, you act on the reality of price changes.

There are many ways of using technical analysis and forex charts.

Using them is very much an art and not a science. You can’t be right all the time and you cant predict prices in advance but you can trade the odds and if you do this correctly, you can make a lot of money.

You need to keep in mind that currency trading is an odds game – NOT A game of certainties.

You should use a long term trend following or a shorter term swing trading system as the basis of your forex trading strategy and avoid day trading at all costs.

Forex day trading, is simply a way to lose you cannot get the odds in your favor and therefore cannot win. It’s a good story - but stories don’t make money – steer clear of it.

The final point to keep in mind when using technical analysis is:

Always keep your currency trading system simple.

Simple systems are easier to understand, easier to apply and more robust than complicated ones, in the face of ever changing brutal market conditions.


Unknown said...

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Exchange rates comparison